Sunday, May 27, 2012

The wheels on the bus go round and round

Ever wonder where those yellow school buses in the U.S. go to die? Well, some of them at least, are resurrected in Antigua as camionetas. They get all pimped out, get a paint job, chrome grills, beefed up engine and then work away. I am going to take one for the first time today. They don't have the best safety record and do break-down fairly often but eh, if Guatemalans can ride the bus every day, twice a day, so can I. The steps will be a bit hard to negotiate because they are quite high and the bus doesn't actually stop when you passengers embark/disembark. It just slows down, keeps rolling while a man standing at the bus door shepherds you into the bus. I'm hoping I can alight without any problems. 

Photo courtesy of John Barry (

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